Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Finally A Concept.....

From this point on I decided to once again talk to my fellow classmates as to what direction i should go in. This helped me so much. After talking to Jackie and explaining to her what i have thus far she used the word "Continuum." That word went off in my head like a light bulb. That is what my concept is and it was in front of me all this time in my sketches and inspiration photos but i just did not see it.

Continuum-(according to Merriam Webster) is defined as a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence. or progression of values.

According to MSN Encarta Encuclopedia: A continuous seamless series: a link between two
things, or a continuous series of things.
For the purposes of this project the ink is between the past and the present.

From here I also was able to narrow down the era in which my vintage formal dresses would come from; 1920s to 1940 the Art Deco Period. Also using the details and curvature of fabric to figure out a layout design.

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