Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Challenge Two : concept overdrive

After spending days figuring out my concept and finding a way to merge it with my product we are now switching concepts and products with other members of our class. So now my new concept is...precarious balance with the product being perfume.

So what exactly is precarious balance.

Precarious (according to freedictionary.com) is defined as:
1. dangerous; lacking in security or stability
2. subject to change or unknown conditions
3. uncertain or unwarranted

Thesaurus: Unstable, Uneasy
(According to Merriam- Webster)
1. Depending on the will or pleasure of another
2. Dependent on uncertain premises
3. A lack of security or stability that threatens with danger.

Balance (according to Merriam- Webster) is defined as:
1. means of judging or deciding
2. stability produced by even distribution of weight.

What is the definition of Perfume:

Perfume (according to Merriam Webster) is defined as:
1. the scent of something sweet- smelling
2. a substance that emits a pleasant odor; natural essence.


debbie nestvogel said...

when looking at the definitions of precarious on your blog-- 'subject to change' really stood out to me. maybe you could explore the idea of mobile/interchangeable displays or store layout. and then carry that idea into balance form. in a way that could reflect a perfume bottle- the different parts can be put together or taken apart....

emily davis said...

you have a lot of great precedent work of what has inspired you and what you want to achieve. Maybe you should pick some part of your concept to focus on so that you don't get so tied up in a lot of smaller ideas.